Saturday, July 9, 2011

Through Thick and Thin

These two girls have been in my life for over thirteen years now, I call them my best friends.  Meet Julie (middle) and Anne (right).  We've had our rough patches and time frames when we would barely talk, but at the end of the day we will always be there for one another.

I met Julie in elementary school, when I joined the youth scouts at our church.  We became friends quickly and soon found out that my brother-in-law is her aunt's brother-in-law too, which made us even closer.  Anne was also in the youth scouts with us and that's how we met her.  At first we were sceptical of becoming her friend, but I am definitely glad that we are!  Every Saturday we would get to hang out, even though we had to wear uniforms that we didn't like.  But it was never a dull Saturday at church when I had these two with me.  We hung out, talked, goofed around, and would walk across the street to the donut shop during our breaks for donut holes and chips.  We were in the scouts until our senior year in high school.

Our friendship didn't end there, of course.  We've been great friends since, over 13 years! In life, you're lucky to have a handful of people who are important to you and I'm grateful to call these two my best friends.  No matter what, we'll always pick up from where we left off and it'll never get awkward between us.